Sunday 14 August 2011

Here We are Yet Again

Ship's done for the class, but not for my demo reel. This'll probably show up again down the road with some nice textures. For now, here's what I have:

Saturday 6 August 2011

A Little More Spaceship.

Made some progress, still plenty of work to go! Gotta add panels, tubes and wires, lights, model the cockpit...

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Space Ships

Started modeling a space ship for my demo reel scene. It has a lot of hidden features like hatches that open to reveal ladders for access to the top of the engines, the flaps over the engines open and close, the antennae can collapse and be hidden inside the engine, etc. To give a reason, it's for when the ship enters atmosphere. You know, to protect the fragile bits from intense heat.

I love making things work. :)

As usual, WIP renders:

D'aww it's so cute...

Next on the to-do list: Build Lower Engines.

Saturday 23 July 2011

It's a Car.

Yep. It is.

Mercedes SLS, WIP. Gonna clean it up and finish it sometime.

Friday 13 May 2011

Robot Progress and some New Work

Made a little progress on the robot model recently, and put together an organic lizard head the other day in a few hours. Check it out below, and feel free to leave comments as always.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Robot WIP

I've been working on this guy for a bit now, and he's gone through some changes since I began. The current version is below.

I'm trying to figure out an interesting look for the legs, something to change the silhouette up even more. Any ideas?